Phenomenological Insights into Self-Determination Among Saudi Employed Adults with Intellectual Disabilities


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This qualitative phenomenological study examines the lived experiences of six Saudi-employed adults with mild intellectual disabilities (ID) who received self-determination interventions during high school transition planning. Addressing a gap in the existing literature, this study explores how self-determination manifests in post-secondary work settings for individuals with ID. By using interpretative phenomenological analysis, this study identifies five key findings: the cultural context shapes individuals' understanding of self-determination, its applicability is influenced by the implementation period and environmental factors, problem-solving skills are vital in work settings, self-determination evolves through practice, and directed training tailored to work environments enhances outcomes. These insights underscored the dynamic nature of self-determination and its implications for employment success among individuals with ID, highlighting the need for inclusive research approaches and targeted interventions to support their transition into post-secondary life.
Keyword: Self-Determination  Intellectual Disabilities

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